Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon Hale and Dean Hale (married) Illustrated by Nathan Hale (no relation) - my mom knew Nathan in high school!

I was surprised this book was a comic book! Rapunzel escapes her tower, meets Jack, who grows a beanstalk, and saves the day for many citizens. I liked the story and the art. The artist has a website that we printed paper dolls of Rapunzel for us to color. Here's the site:


by Emma

Katie's comment, "I started reading this book and couldn't stop reading until I was done an hour later - I couldn't wait to see what would happen next."


  1. Enna burning was fascinating - I never thought about fire that way. I really enjoyed the ending, how wind and fire could work together and how their friendship grew - beautiful.

    The Indian series is a lot of fun - fabulous adventures and imaginations

    Rapunzel's Revenge made me laugh. I really enjoyed the twist on the story and her amazing braids.


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