Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Once you start reading this book your hands will glue to it. I became entranced by this book for that reason - lots of action, fright and ... magic!
Harry is an orphan who lives with his aunt, uncle and cousin. They are horrible to him. Harry goes to Hogwarts (a wizard school) and trys to solve a mystery of strange voices in the wall and attacks on the other students. Harry survives and saves the school and the wizarding world.
Ginny is very shy at the beginning of the book, then she changes to being very happy. Tom Riddle almost kills her and after she is safe she will be more friendly.
Why does Hermione get out of the story? Read and find out.
How come the other students think Harry is the heir of Slytheryn?
by Lilly

I, Emma, liked this book too. The diary of Tom Riddle, the truth of Moaning Myrtle, and a headless horseman party will get you excited. Why cant Ron and Harry get through platform 9 3/4 ? Did Gilderoy Lockhart really accomplish all those miraculous feats? My Dad would like to play the part of Gilderoy Lackhart.
Harry is an orphan who lives with his aunt, uncle and cousin. They are horrible to him. Harry goes to Hogwarts (a wizard school) and trys to solve a mystery of strange voices in the wall and attacks on the other students. Harry survives and saves the school and the wizarding world.
Ginny is very shy at the beginning of the book, then she changes to being very happy. Tom Riddle almost kills her and after she is safe she will be more friendly.
Why does Hermione get out of the story? Read and find out.
How come the other students think Harry is the heir of Slytheryn?
by Lilly
I, Emma, liked this book too. The diary of Tom Riddle, the truth of Moaning Myrtle, and a headless horseman party will get you excited. Why cant Ron and Harry get through platform 9 3/4 ? Did Gilderoy Lockhart really accomplish all those miraculous feats? My Dad would like to play the part of Gilderoy Lackhart.
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