Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

This book had lots of answers and more questions! Everything is crazy! I like all the other books and this is one of the best! Harry Potter is the main character of this story. He is falling in love with his best friend's little sister, Ginny. Voldemort has returned to full power and everything is turned upside down. Tonks is all different. Bill and "Phlegm" (Fleur) are in love, too.

Why is Dumbledore giving Harry lessons? How come Malfoy is sad? Read and find out!

spoiler alert!

Dumbledore dies!!! It was hard for me (and Harry) to believe! Dumbledore has been such a big part of the story it was hard very sad. Everyone was so tearful and it was such a surprise. I was shocked when it happened. I was shocked when it happened even though I have already read the books before. I can't believe Snape did it!

by Lilly


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